Terwijl ik in de titel het woordje “recessie” benoem zie ik dat het vandaag(9 maart) op de financiële markten juist heel goed gaat. Kennelijk raken beleggers gewend aan de oorlog in Oekraïne en gaat men over tot de orde van de dag. We wennen er aan. Oorlogen zijn van alle tijden, deze keer wat dichterbij maar we weten nu dat we de gevolgen van vluchtelingenstroom en sancties gelaten over ons heen moeten laten komen.

Zijn we er klaar voor?

Als machteloze burgers kunnen we er weinig aan doen, behalve geld en goederen inzamelen. Voor de rest moeten we maar vertrouwen op ons landsbestuur en de regenten van de EU. Wij mogen ons concentreren op de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen, die zijn wat dichter bij huis en beter te volgen. De berichten uit oorlogsgebieden zijn meestal onbetrouwbaar en daarbij gaat het vaak om desinformatie om geïnteresseerden om de tuin te leiden. Na een aantal weken maken we de balans op om te zien hoe we er zelf voorstaan en wat de impact is op onze eigen vaderlandse economie die ongelukkigerwijs totaal afhankelijk is van internationale spanningen en de ingestelde sancties in de richting van Rusland. Als Rutte en Kaag al roepen dat we gezamenlijk de pijn moeten delen dan is het maar zo. Klaar! Zo makkelijk wordt er gedacht door onze politici die onder bewind staan van de EU-commissarissen en de EU-ministerraad. Onze volksvertegenwoordigers hebben maar te luisteren want er wordt oorlog gevoerd binnen de Europese grenzen. Klaar! Als klein kikkerlandje hebben we ons te conformeren aan het hogere gezag in Brussel. Klaar!

Niet zeuren

Nu is het niet de tijd om te zeuren maar moeten we incasseren, kwestie van even volhouden. Gewoon de financiële pijn accepteren. Dat zijn nu eenmaal de gevolgen van een oorlog waar we de ene partij steunen en de andere partij onder druk zetten met sancties. Dat heeft een prijs die we collectief moeten betalen. Klaar! De komende tijd zal ons leren hoe lang we solidair zijn en hoe lang we het nut inzien van een oorlog waar wij niet om hebben gevraagd. Ooit hebben we in 2014 het associatieverdrag met de Oekraïne in een referendum afgewezen terwijl we nu worden geconfronteerd met de gevolgen van de “Associatie-overeenkomst EU-Oekraïne, die we als bevolking niet wilden. Maar ja, de EU staat ver boven ons en is van een andere machtsorde dan onze gemeenteraad en B & W. Als bijgevolg moeten we dus een recessie accepteren die mogelijk kan leiden tot een heuse depressie, zoals vaak gebeurt in oorlogen. We zien alles ontsporen wat van belang is voor onze eerste levensbehoeften. Brandstof- en broodprijzen en daar bovenop de energiecontracten die voor velen verdubbelen.

Sociale spanningen

Het gaat hier niet om de luxe artikelen waar we in de oorlog tegen een virus wat langer op moesten wachten. Het gaat nota bene om de eerste levensbehoeften die juist voor de mensen met een kleine portemonnee onmisbaar zijn. Dan stel ik nogmaals de vraag: hoe lang gaan we dit volhouden. De oorlog lijkt langer te gaan duren dan was verwacht terwijl de aandacht daarvoor al weer verslapt. Zal ik er ver naast zitten als ik denk dat we ons straks concentreren op ons eigen welzijn omdat het delen van de pijn niet in gelijke mate wordt gedeeld? Als de pijn alleen terecht komt in de onderste lagen van de bevolking die in absolute aantallen groter zijn dan de bovenlaag dan voorspel ik op termijn een ongelijke sociale strijd binnen eigen landsgrenzen. Dat zou politieke aardverschuivingen teweeg kunnen brengen die we lang ziet hebben gezien. Op die manier kunnen geopolitieke spanningen makkelijk leiden tot binnenlandse spanningen. De vraag is in wat voor tempo. Als de oorlog in Oekraïne vertraagt dan vrees ik dat juist de sociale spanningen gaan versnellen. Sommigen noemen dat een revolutie. De tijd zal het leren.


20 reacties

  1. https://www.nu.nl/algemeen/6188346/vooral-laagste-inkomens-last-van-hoge-energienota-kabinet-helpt-niet-iedereen.html

    Citaat: “Huishoudens met een laag inkomen hebben vaker een slecht geïsoleerd huis en moeten dus meer stoken. Ook is het deel van hun inkomen dat zij aan de energierekening kwijt zijn relatief groter dan bij mensen met een hoger inkomen.”

    Dit dus! Maar het kabinet waarschuwt dat iedereen de pijn gaat voelen. Zal best, maar het gaat om de pijn gelijk verdelen. Hoe moeilijk is dat? Hoe moeilijk is het om de inkomstenbelastingschijf voor hogere inkomens boven de € 69.399 te verhogen? Was ooit 52 procent zonder een centje pijn… Daar nog een paar procentjes bovenop voor de pijn die we dus allemaal moeten voelen!

  2. Alles gebeurt met een reden en niets wordt aan toeval overgelaten.
    Er komt een reset, net zoals alle oorlogen die wij in het verleden hebben meegemaakt.
    De deep state heeft andere plannen met het plebs, ordo ab chau, het doel heiligt de middelen.

  3. T.g.v. de fors stijgende energieprijzen en de oorlog in Oekraïne is er een veel groter koopkrachtverlies voor de lage inkomens dan tijdens de centrumrechtse bezuinigingskabinetten Balkenende II en Rutte I.

  4. Alles loopt volgens het uitgedachte plan. Eerst chaos, dan werkloosheid en dan de armoede. En als reddende engel komt……. U raadt het de nwo.
    U mag dan als burgerrobotslaaf dienen, betalen, gehoorzamen en vooral je bek houden.
    Wie zei dat laatste ook al weer??
    Wanneer zou het volk eens uit de winterslaap komen. Eerst als de maag knort en de winkels leeg zijn?

  5. De oorlog in Oekr is niet echt de oorzaak van de hogere energie prijzen die komen vooral door de losgeslagen centrale banksters. Wie gaat nu Rusland boycotten door minder energie van ze te kopen? Economische zelfmoord.

    At the Actionable Intelligence Alert we always try to look beyond the headlines and identify the second and third order effects of world events.

    In last weeks email I told you that food prices were already on the move higher because of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. I am trying to figure out what will happen in the world that others are not looking at. First let’s look at this world map of wheat importers and exporters.

    You will notice that the largest wheat exporter is Russia and the fifth largest is Ukraine.

    Note the largest wheat importers; Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, China, and the Middle East.

    What happens in Nigeria if there are shortages and food riots? Nigeria is a major oil producer. Is it possible if there are food issues in Nigeria that lead to social unrest, that oil production could be affected?

    What about the Middle East? Recall I mentioned the Arab Spring in 2011. That was not about democracy, it was about food prices.

    It gets even worse.

    Russia is one of the largest exporters of fertilizer in the world. If this ban affects fertilizer exports, which I assume it will, than expect global grain yields to be lower as these inputs are critical to achieving the yields the world needs to feed a hungry planet.

    Nevertheless, there is always an opportunity. Check out the world map above notice that country that is in South America that is a major wheat exporter. That is Argentina and has been known as an economic basket case. However, it is now poised to have a huge windfall in agriculture come it’s way.

    1. Snap je NOU waarom Willem van de Hofmees… ehh … van “Oranje” zijn pb-IKske in 2015 heeft omgeruild voor een (“regerings”-)vliegtuig dat probleemloos (=zonder bij te hoeven tanken) naar Z-Amerika kan vliegen ?

      Kunnen ze deze keer (opnieuw zelf in veiligheid) vanuit de toendra’s het Nederlandsche Volk toeschreeuwen : “Houd stand, gij Nederlanders ; God (?) is met U !”

      … blabla …

          1. Een paar jaar geleden stuurde je me een foto van je op en je klaagde dat je er als een “Rus” uitzag.
            Wat overigens ook klopte.
            Kun je voor de rest ook niks aan doen hoor !
            Maar word je inmiddels overal met schuine ogen aangekeken ?
            Ik vrees ’t ergste heheh

  6. “De run op noodpakketten is ’trending'”. In Europa, in Nederland. Eerst mondkapjes, nu kogelwerend vesten en helmen.


    Geen ‘business as usual’, dus. De giftige cocktail die we nu voor de kiezen krijgen is met niets te vergelijken. Veel mensen zitten in de rats. Vanwege de economie, maar veel meer nog door de oorlog dichtbij. Een ‘vergissing’ en het hele continent staat in de fik, zelfs de hele wereld. Zo voelt dat. Niet alleen instinctief, maar reëel.
    Niemand weet meer wat waar is en wat niet in ‘nieuws’, ophitsing en propaganda.

    Dachten sommigen een mensenleven geleden niet ook dat het wel los zou lopen? Een vernietigende blamage voor de hele samenleving en voor alles wat we sindsdien dachten te hebben bereikt.

  7. We leven in een tijd van desinformatie waardoor het (objectief) volgen van een oorlog knap lastig wordt in de zin van: “who is the good guy, who is the bad guy.” Daarom zou het niet verkeerd zijn om ook het standpunt van de vijand te kennen. De informatieverschaffing via de msm is zoals gebruikelijk eenzijdig. Tegenwoordig hebben we alternatieve media waar we bijvoorbeeld de toespraak van Putin kunnen vinden die hij hield voor “zijn” volk: https://wakkermens.info/toespraak-van-de-poetin-24-februari-2022/

    Iemand stuurde mij deze link waarvan ik dacht te moeten delen onder mijn column die is geschreven onder druk van de ellende die over ons machteloze burgers wordt gestort door regenten die we niet hebben gekozen. Als we het standpunt van de vijand tegenover het westers denken plaatsen dan krijgen we een beter beeld van de achtergrond van een vuile oorlog. Let wel, iedere oorlog is een vuile oorlog. Vriend of vijand, het maakt niet uit, in een veldslag worden geen gele of rode kaarten uitgedeeld. De scheids en grensrechters kijken liever via de VAR op grote afstand en herhalen alleen de beelden die worden voorgeschoteld.

    1. Dag Gerrit. Ik ben bij het Kremlin gaan horen of die toespraak correct werd weergegeven. http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/67843 Op zijn minst kan je stellen dat de Westerse media slechts selectief hebben bericht over deze toespraak. Om de argumenten van Poetin te kunnen begrijpen moet je ze toch eerst kennen. Het is niet dat de man per definitie altijd ongelijk heeft.

      1. Propaganda is altijd suggestief, selectief. Zoiets als marketing of commerciële reclame (‘Wij van WC-Eend…’). De boeman woont tegenover.
        Poetins probleem wordt niet gevormd door zijn argumentatie, maar door het feit dat hij die als vrijbrief misbruikt om zelf tot dezelfde onrechtmatige daden over te gaan waarvan hij het Westen beschuldigt.

  8. De groene waanzin goed verklaard het gaat er enkel om bij de EU meesters om de energie crisis nog te verergeren waardoor ze het volk nog verder kunnen uitknijpen en verarmen waardoor ze makkelijker te kontroleren zijn.

    EROEI is not some abstract academic concept; it has huge impacts on a country’s economy
    and its ability to grow. Germany, after the Fukushima nuclear accident, decided to close all
    of its nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants have the highest EROEI of any energy
    source (100 : 1) and nuclear power supplied almost 25% of Germany’s electricity. Much of
    the nuclear generated power was replace with renewables with EROEI’s of only 3 : 1. To any
    observer, there should be no mystery about why German electricity prices have surged by
    over four-fold in the last two years and why Germany is at the center of Europe’s energy
    crisis—it’s what happens when you replace an energy source with incredibly high efficiency
    with an energy source embedded with low efficiency.
    To maintain our standard of surplus and allow for growth, we must adopt an energy system

    with a superior EROEI. Nuclear energy enjoys an EROEI of 100:1, three times better than
    hydrocarbons and 30 times better than renewables. Moreover, it has extremely low carbon
    intensity. A widespread move towards nuclear power could be as valuable to humanity as
    moving from biomass to coal was in the sixteenth century. The uranium section discusses
    the rapidly changing attitude, especially in Europe, of the advantages of nuclear power.
    Renewables promise much, but because of the terrible energy efficiency, they will never be
    able to accomplish their goals of suppling cheap, abundant, and carbon-free power to a
    world that still wishes to grow.

  9. “We now live in a nation
    – where doctors destroy health,
    – where lawyers and judges destroy Justice,
    – where universities destroy Knowledge,
    – where governments destroy Freedom,
    -where the press destroys Information,
    – where religion destroys moralsand where ‘our’ banks destroy the Economy.

    Quote from Chris Hedges

    Mijn commentaar : “Lang leve” het Culturele Marxisme !!!

    O ja, de èchte naam van Kareltje Marx is Mordechai Levi. Zijn beide grootvaders waren rabbietjes. Maar dat is u altijd verzwegen hè ?
    “Wellicht” was daar een reden voor ?

  10. Ik kan U verzekeren, dat de pijn het meest gevoeld gaat worden door de burgers van de Europese landen (EU). Een negatieve spiraal naar beneden en nog geen bodem in zicht.

    De oorlog versnelt de ineenstorting van de EU. Er was al een inflatieprobleem, wat totaal genegeerd werd, dat wordt nog veel erger (door de oorlog en de reactie daarop).

    Nog steeds beseft men niet dat Europa overspoeld gaat worden met 20 tot 30 miljoen vluchtelingen uit de Oekraine en daar komen nog een paar miljoen gasten ,via Wit_Rusland bij.
    Inmiddels wordt dagelijks het aantal naar boven bijgesteld…van 5000 naar 50.000, naar 100.000 welke aan de poorten van Nederland rammelen. De werkelijkheid zal nog vele malen hoger uitvallen…..alleen Nederland moet mogelijk al 0,5 tot 1,0 miljoen Oekrainers opnemen.
    Het lijkt wel of ze in Den Haag blind zijn voor de realiteit! Bouw mega noodopvang steden!
    Die mensen moeten allemaal eten, een dak, zorg (trauma’s opgelopen), kleding, advocaten, etc. etc……..(nog meer inflatie).
    Dat heeft zeer ernstige gevolgen voor onze maatschappij en economie. De neergang van Europa komt in een stroomversnelling, waarbij de ECB de inflatie gaat negeren, ontkennen en ontwijken. Ofwel de rente kan nauwelijks stijgen en de geldpers gaat overuren maken!

    Hoe het afloopt is duidelijk……een machtsverschuiving (militair en economisch) van West naar Oost (Azie). Het is geen geheim ,dat defensie zwaar verwaarloosd is de laatste decennia.
    Zo kan onze krijgmacht geen deuk in een pakje boter slaan! Dus er is heel veel geld nodig, nog meer inflatie………..tot aan de horizon. etc. etc. etc.

    De verwende westerse burger mag de broekriem aanhalen en de aziaten krijgen een beter leven. Helaas zullen de zwakkere in onze samenleving de hoogste prijs betalen en zullen ook de pijn meer voelen.

    Dit is een mijlpaal in de geschiedenis….hoe het “Westen” zijn macht verloor.

  11. Kan het nog waanzinniger je kan het gewoonweg niet verzinnen uiteraard kan je dit niet lezen in de nl media:

    op twitter : @citybeaurocrat

    You know . . . it’s complicated
    Putin has said that he wants to denazify Ukraine. That includes the government itself. So also the Jewish president and the Jewish prime minister. And the 40 % Jewish members of the cabinet.
    But also the Azov group. They are supposed to be Nazis too. Who are said to be financed by the Jewish billionaire Kolomoiskiy.
    And now it is said that Putin wants to solve the problem in Ukraine with the help of the Russian private army “Wagner Group”. This is said to be financed by the Jewish billionaire Yevgeny Prigozhin. The operation is allegedly led by Dmitry Utkin. Who has had plenty of experience in Ukraine since 2014. And has SS symbols tattooed on his body at collar height.
    So in summary, as described here in the attached post, Russian Nazis are now fighting Ukrainian Nazis, who are effectively Jewish. So National Zionists. NA ZI. Not to be confused with the other Nazis, who should actually be called Nasos. Otherwise, as you can see from this example, there can be unattractive confusion.

    So the Jewish-Russian Nazis are now fighting the Ukrainian-Jewish Nazis to end anti-Semitism and fascism. Or how now?

    Ah yes, it’s really complicated with so many Nazis.

    1. YES it can !

      DAJA: Defense Against Jewish Aggression
      By J.B. Campbell, Author of “THE NEW AMERICAN MAN – A CALL TO ARMS!” (1983/1988)

      Once we acknowledge the threat that faces us – Zionist Aggression – we are left with the problem of how to remove that threat. Jews are in controlling positions in every segment of our lives, from the financial collapse of Wall Street, to the collapse of our currency by the Federal Reserve Corporation, the collapse of the US military from Jewish wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a de facto Jewish war against Pakistan and a threatened Jewish war against Iran. Trillions of tax dollars have been lost to the pockets of Jewish bankers and speculators.

      The news media have always been and continue to be in the hands of Zionists. These lie factories, thanks to the Internet, are in freefall collapse and deservedly so. If the news media had been honest, we would have been informed and warned of the criminal conspiracy so that we could have dealt with it legally. But we were not informed or warned. It was not in the interest of the Zionists to do so, as they explained in their Protocols a hundred years ago. So to save ourselves we must take the law into our own hands, where it belongs anyway. This is where the failure of news has put us.

      Zionists are the masters of destruction. They now admit that they possess several hundred nuclear weapons, quite illegally in terms of international agreements, but very logically since it was Zionist mad scientists who designed and developed nuclear weapons and supervised the use of two of them on helpless Japanese civilians. Whether the Zionist nukes actually will work is open to question, since much of what the Israeli military does ends in failure, as we saw with the Lavi jet fighter and Merkava tank and their disastrous invasion of Lebanon in 2006, which ended in a rout. The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was a catastrophic failure that destroyed an elaborate US/Israeli operation to sink the ship and blame it on the Egyptians, which would have “forced” the US military to join Israel and invade and occupy the Arab countries. It is now generally acknowledged that Israel engineered the shock and awe attacks on 9-11, with the complicity of the US air force and intelligence agencies. This attack was finally successful in putting the US at war with Islam.

      Israel’s military strategy is completely dependent on the US military backing it up. The fact that Israel now slyly brags about its illegal nukes and even threatens to burn European cities with them indicates they may not actually function, that they are bluffing. Reports of American missile sites being mysteriously knocked out suggest that much of the world’s nuclear arsenal is kaput. But it has been Jews such as Einstein, Oppenheimer and Teller who have been behind the dropping of nuclear weapons on people in the past and Jews such as Netanyahu and Lieberman who want to drop them on people now.

      I am proposing that we neutralize the Zionist threat before they try to use them again.

      Zionist aggression is caused by their control of our money system. If this is taken away from them, and only if this is taken away from them, we could regain our national health, and the rest of the world could do so, too. There is a very simple way to do this. It has been done before in this country. The two presidents who did it were shot in the head soon afterward, so there is a risk involved. The Austrian leader of Germany also did this quite successfully until stopped by the combined forces of the Jewish allies (America, England and the Soviet Union) some years later. The Jews were successful in stopping these men mainly because the people didn’t understand the nature of money and debt, which the Jews call “credit.”

      Once we understand that Jewish Rule depends on their control of our money system we can figure out how to beat them. Events have shown that there is no political solution, i.e., by elected politicians. The politicians can’t save us even if they wanted to, which they don’t. The police and FBI are controlled by Jewish agencies such as the ADL and SPLC. There is lately talk of a US military coup against the Jews but this is frankly unlikely, since there is no curriculum in the military academies teaching the army, navy and air force about Jewish subversion. The Jews have made sure that the only curriculum is about the Moslem threat and the threat presented by American “patriots.”

      The way Jews control our money and our lives should be basically understood. It has been done by Privatization of the only legitimate function of the federal government, the creation of our money. This writer is not an admirer of the US Constitution for reasons explained in other essays, but Article 1, Section 8 does specify that “the Congress shall have power to coin money and regulate the value thereof.”

      Nevertheless, Alexander Hamilton persuaded President Washington and the Congress to allow the private Bank of New York to become the first Bank of the United States in 1791, in a charter lasting twenty years until 1811. On the Caribbean island of Nevus, Hamilton’s birthplace, it is known and openly recorded that Hamilton’s actual father was named “Levy.” Hamilton was a Rothschild agent. The Bank of New York, aka the Bank of the United States, was a private, profit-making company owned mainly (at least 72 %) by the Rothschild-owned central bank in London – the Bank of England. So, from the very beginning of this country, the financial system has been owned and controlled by foreign Jews and their agents here. Despite a bloody war for independence from England, our money and credit was still run by the Bank of England – and is to this day. Dividends to investors have continued virtually uninterrupted for 219 years! The Bank of New York is today known as the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the actual headquarters of the Federal Reserve System.

      Anyone still dumb enough to pay Jewish income taxes should examine the back of his canceled check to the IRS. It will say, “Pay to the order of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.” Why do you suppose it doesn’t designate the IRS or Treasury Department? Why does your tax money go to a private, profit-making English corporation owned by Jews?
      The (first) Bank of the United States lost its charter in 1811. Due to our second war with England in thirty-six years, the War of 1812, it was not possible to charter a second Bank of the United States – owned by the Bank of England! – until 1819, when another twenty-year charter was granted. In 1833, President Jackson cut off its funds and this private British-Jewish company calling itself the Bank of the United States died six years before its charter would have expired.

      People were a lot smarter or more educated in the 19th Century and they would not allow the Congress to create another private, foreign-owned central bank that would profit by lending us our own currency at interest. By 1913, however, the persistence of the Jews finally paid off when Paul Warburg of Germany bribed and manipulated American politicians to pass the Federal Reserve Act, which gave us our third and current private central bank.

      Paul Warburg’s brother, Max, was Germany’s chief financial advisor to the Kaiser as well as the head of the German espionage service during World War I, while Paul was on the board of the Federal Reserve – while Germany and America were at war! Only Jews can get away with such wild criminality.

      Our corrupt government pretends to sell treasury bonds on Wall Street which are converted by the Federal Reserve into Federal Reserve Notes for which we pay the Fed to use our own currency! In other words, our government can print and sell bonds but cannot print and distribute currency. The currency must be supplied to us from a private, British/Jewish company (printed at the Treasury Department’s Bureau of Engraving!) at great profit to itself. The US government is now trillions of dollars in debt to this artificial company calling itself by the grandiose name of the Federal Reserve System.

      This scam must have irritated John F. Kennedy because he attempted to put an end to it, sort of in the manner of Andrew Jackson, by ordering the issuance of Series 1963 United States Notes – about $4.3 billion worth. That was just the beginning of his move to destroy the Fed. He tied the US Note to silver and this would have meant the end of the Federal Reserve Note, for who would have wanted something backed only by smoke and mirrors? But, five months later, JFK was dead and the US Notes were withdrawn from circulation. I still have one.

      But, what Jack Kennedy did can be done again and must be done again. The Federal Reserve Note must be replaced by the United States Note and be issued by the Congress interest-free. This is exactly how the economic miracle of Germany was produced starting in 1933, when Germans were still starving due to our rapacious and sadistic program of “reparations payments to the victors” of World War I. Hitler and Schacht issued interest-free currency tied only to the productivity of the German worker, since we had stolen all of Germany’s gold ten years earlier. By 1935, while American farmers were starving to death and trekking to California to pick other people’s prunes or working themselves to death building dams, six million formerly unemployed German workers were taking paid vacations on cruise ships and buying their first cars. Germany was manufacturing again and exporting goods while the rest of the world was mired in the Great Depression, engineered by the Jewish-owned central banks – the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve. To the Jewish banker, German success was an outrage that had to be controlled or destroyed, and so we became the military partners of the Soviet Union for three and a half years, something America can never live down. Together, we, the Jewish allies, destroyed Germany and millions of Germans for the crime of being successful. To be successful, though, requires the removal of Jews from power. That’s what Germany did, or attempted to do. For that they had to die. For that we were ordered to kill them, which we did by the millions.

      Today we face the modern version of the Great Depression. Actual unemployment in 1933 was 25%. Today it is 22% and climbing. This writer was “laid off” a very good job and subsequently homeless for 21 months and was lucky to get his old job back – but for how long? Those 21 months were the most terrible, degrading and frightening of his life during which he and his wife lost their home and vehicles and horses and virtually all of their belongings. Millions of Americans are experiencing this terror right now, with 43 million of us on food stamps! All of this misery has been caused by Jewish bankers and Jewish speculators on Wall Street.

      George W. Bush lied us into two evil wars of aggression for the benefit of Israel and the Jewish war profiteers on Wall Street and the banks.

      We are the victims of Jewish aggression. I have spent much space on our money system, since it is the heart of our lives. No money – no lives. We must remove the Jews from our money or we will die, and soon. Now, of course, the Jews cannot let go of our veins, arteries and bank accounts. It would be against their religion, the control of all money. We must pry them loose.

      There is no legal way to do this, because Jews are the law. The Jews are God and they are the law. So, to bring them under control we must ignore Jewish law and make our own law. What law is that? It is the law of survival.

      The Jewish Problem is much more terrible than we even know. Jewish subversion has saturated our lives with death and filth and our minds with confusion and an inability to defend ourselves. If you wonder how this was done, read a few of the twenty-four Jewish Protocols. You’ll get the picture very quickly. Few can read all twenty-four of them – they are too revolting.

      Defense Against Jewish Aggression requires that Jews be disfranchised from all positions of power and influence in the important aspects of our lives. Starting with government, of course. Medicine, law, banking, finance, news, publishing, entertainment – all must be free of Jews and Jewish influence. Our actions should start against the powerful Jewish organizations of subversion, such as the Anti-Defamation League, AIPAC, the Jews-only Masonic lodge they call B’nai B’rith and the Council on Foreign Relations, which is roughly 70% Jewish. There are hundreds and hundreds of Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Committee, the Zionist Organization. Quite simply, these subversive organizations must be destroyed. Jews must be put on notice that their dreamy days of power are ending. All things must end and Jewish power is one of them.

      Naturally, the Jews will fight hard to prevent losing their unearned power over us. That is, they will hire as many of us as they can to fight us. Jews can’t fight. They can kill, assassinate, murder and just about anything by stealth, but they can’t fight. When the Jew is confronted with his Jewishness, he splits.

      The filmmaker John Carpenter made a great training film for us in this coming struggle. THEY LIVE. Malevolent aliens live among us. But most of us can’t tell who’s who, or realize how they control our lives. A small group of resistance fighters have special glasses that reveal the hideous faces of the aliens, who have taken over the organs of power. The aliens are so evil that no mercy can be shown them. If you see the scary face, start shooting, because they mean to enslave all of us and kill some of us. The only way to save ourselves is to kill them and keep killing them until the source of their power can be turned off – forever.

      Carpenter’s aliens are the Jews. Most of them actually look like us. Carpenter’s special glasses represent the Jewish Protocols. Once you read a few of them, you see immediately what we’re up against. That’s why the Jews always freak out whenever the Protocols are mentioned. They are probably the most important writings you will ever read, even if you can only manage a few of them. Victor Marsden of the London Morning Post translated them in a special room in the British Museum but could only manage a page or so per day, so malevolent and disturbing were they. He died shortly after finishing his work.

      Just look at Palestine! Do you want to live the way those people live, showing your papers to some creepy armed Jew at a checkpoint twice a day, fearful that he may refuse to let you pass today? This is how life is under Jewish Rule. But forget Palestine – now we’re getting a well-deserved dose of Jewish Rule at our airports. In case you hadn’t considered it, the only reason for “airport security” is the fake fear that enraged, crazy Moslems are trying to get on board with bombs and guns, which the TSA can’t seem to find at the best of times. And why are these Moslems supposedly enraged and crazy? Because of Israel, right? Isn’t airport security all about Moslems being angry about Israel? Now there may have been a couple of fake Moslems with phony explosives in their pants or shoes, but real Palestinians? Name one. Not to mention that most airport security is run by Israeli companies.

      TSA now stands for The Sex Aggressors. These morons are now authorized to squeeze your private parts for Glocks and grenades. Little kids, too! A friend of mine’s wife was strip-searched in June after she’d passed successfully through the metal detector because the moron thought she “didn’t look right.” “Airport security” is the result of what Israel does to Arabs. When you get your crotch squeezed, if you haven’t got the brains to stop flying, think about Defense Against Jewish Aggression.

      DAJA. First step: Recognize the Jewish Problem. Where does the Problem originate? Well, probably in the synagogues, in Hebrew school, in all the brainwash programs the Jews have for their kids. These kids are born and bred to hate us, to feel nothing when they cheat us, steal from us and kill us. It’s all laid out in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and of course in the Talmud. The problem is with the rabbis. I’ve written it before but Defense Against Jewish Aggression means the entire rabbinical class has to be wiped out. That means all the rabbis who preach Jewish hate and all the Jews who accept it. The rabbis are the political commissars who keep the party members in line, just like the Jewish commissars under Stalin who shot Russian soldiers from behind to terrorize the rest into attacking the Germans. I’d bet that a lot of Jews who’d like to assimilate with us would even help wipe out some of the hate-mongering rabbis.

      Theodor Herzl comes to mind. Herzl, the supposed designer of Zionism, actually hated the Jewish ruling class and all typically Jewish ways. What he wanted was to blend with the Gentiles, whom he greatly admired. He was rejected because in those days, it was hard to trust a Jew, no matter how much he wanted to be a Gentile, or a Christian. Sad story. So Plan B was to get the Jews out of Europe, out of polite society, and into a land for Jews only. Herzl knew that most Jews just couldn’t behave properly, so the humane thing was to put them somewhere they couldn’t do any harm. What he didn’t count on was the rise of the Russian Jews, the real Zionists, whom he’d never heard of before his 1897 Zionist Congress in Basel. These uncouth roughnecks from the Pale showed up, demanding to go to Palestine. Not Uganda, not Madagascar, not America, not South America – Palestine. These were the phony Jews, the poseurs, the Khazar converts to Judaism but converts who possessed the deadliest zeal in the history of the world. They wanted to kill all the Palestinians and take over “the holy land.” Well?

      My late friend, Heinz Weichardt, was another. His mother was Jewish, a famous opera singer in Berlin, his father a well-known journalist with the big German papers. Heinz was a life-long supporter of Hitler and of National Socialism. I recommend his memoir, “Under Two Flags,” on the Gnostic Liberation Front website. Jews such as Aaron Russo and David Cole have done more to hurt the Jewish racket than anyone on our side. So we mustn’t be indiscriminate in our Defense Against Jewish Aggression.

      Anti-Jewish operations must be designed carefully. The big organizations must be taken out first.

      The US military has never exactly covered itself in glory. Actually, it has been a total disgrace to America. The military has done the Jews’ dirty work, and I do mean dirty, ever since the Civil War and the Indian Wars. World Wars I & II? Imagine, Americans going to fight Germans in Europe! Most Americans in those days were of German descent. Korea, Vietnam… Total disgraces. Desert Storm? Burying alive thousands of Iraqis with their hands up. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, Bagram, Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman, Fallujah, Predator drones – Jesus, what a shower of shit the US military has always been, including the glory days against the fascists. (Read Other Losses, Crimes & Mercies, Operation Keelhaul if you’re craving US military glory.)

      And, soldier boys, I have news for you. The Jews consider YOU to be the fascists. That’s what the military is for, to absorb the “fascistic element” of society (masculine men) into a controllable organization, because you scare the hell out of the Jews. They dread the day that you will turn on them, stop killing their enemies like the fools you are, and aim your guns at them. Watch THEY LIVE. How do you think the guards at Abu Ghraib could become so sadistic so early in our invasion and occupation of Iraq? They were conditioned by Jews with Jewish hate before they ever got out of the US.
      I do have one good story to tell about the marines. A buddy of mine, Mike Hanson, was at the airport in West Beirut in ’83, near where Arafat and his men were holed up. A half-dozen Israeli tanks came rolling up to wipe them out. The marines just looked at them but the captain in charge of the airport detail climbed up on the lead tank and held the muzzle of his .45 against the Jew commander’s head. “If this tank moves another foot, your brains are gonna be all over this tank.” Jew commander ordered everyone to leave. This is the only language Jews understand. The upshot was, a truck bomb soon killed over 240 marines nearby. Victor Ostravsky, a Mossad officer, revealed that the Mossad knew about the plot but deliberately withheld the information. Translation: the bombing of the marine barracks was a Mossad operation, probably in retaliation for the marine captain’s heroism. Mike bunked in the open and escaped the blast at the barracks. He carried out a lot of bodies.

      But that captain was the exception that proves the rule: the US military man is always obeying Jewish orders. So, the only way for a US military man to gain his honor is to join with this DAJA program – Defense Against Jewish Aggression. It’s the only way to gain honor. You can’t regain something you never had. You joined up to fight, didn’t you? Against all enemies, foreign and domestic? The only foreign enemies we have are in Israel. You don’t need to mess with them. The real enemy is domestic, the Jew who sends you to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran to kill people who never threatened us but who are hated by Jews. We have to clean up this country by wiping out the Jewish organization. Once the organization is wiped out, the Federal Reserve and its stinking Note can be wiped out and replaced by the debt-free US Note.

      And that’s how we’re going to clean up this Jewish mess.


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        Dit zou een ‘bijgewerkte’ kopie kunnen zijn van de schaamteloze anti-Joodse Nazipropaganda uit de jaren ’30. Alleen de ontkenning van de Holocaust ontbreekt.

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