De banken zullen de komende jaren honderden miljarden euro’s extra kapitaal nodig hebben als gevolg van de nieuwe kapitaalregels waarover het Baselcomité zondagavond overeenstemming bereikte. Dat zei Nout Wellink, de voorzitter van het Baselcomité, maandagochtend op Radio 1. Banken moeten vanaf 2013 strengere kapitaalbuffers invoeren. Tegen 2019 moet het aandelenkapitaal minstens 7% van de risicogewogen activa bedragen, 4,5% plus een ‘beschermingsbuffer’ van 2,5%.
Nu bedraagt het minimum 2% en is er geen buffer. Het minimum voor het ‘Tier 1’-kapitaal stijgt van 4% naar 6%. Dat zijn in een notendop de nieuwe Basel III-normen die de gouverneurs van de centrale banken en hoofden van de toezichthouders van het Baselcomité zondagavond overeenkwamen.
Na maandenlang overleg bereikten de toezichthouders op de bankensector zondagavond een akkoord over nieuwe kapitaalbuffers voor de banken, die financiële instellingen beter moeten wapenen tegen toekomstige financiële crises. De nieuwe regels vallen wel minder streng uit dan het voorstel dat begin vorige week op tafel lag. Vooral Duitsland lobbyde nog hard om de nieuwe regels af te zwakken. Maar ondanks de versoepeling gaat Basel III een eind verder dan Basel II.
De Bank voor Internationale Betalingen (BIB), waar het Baselcomité onderdak vindt, stipt in een mededeling aan dat haar impactstudie aangeeft dat ‘grote banken, globaal gezien, aanzienlijk extra kapitaal zullen nodig hebben om aan de nieuwe vereisten te voldoen’. ‘Kleinere banken, die belangrijkst zijn voor KMO-kredietverstrekking, lossen doorgaans die nieuwe standaarden al in.’
Volgens Wellink zal de impact aanzienlijk zijn. ‘Ik aarzel een beetje om cijfers te noemen omdat er een erg lange implementatieperiode is van ongeveer acht jaar en de getallen op termijn zullen wijzigen’, zei Wellink in het NOS-radiojournaal. ‘Het zullen honderden miljarden euro’s zijn. Een deel van de banken zal jarenlang de winst moeten bijhouden zodat ze die niet kunnen gebruiken om aandeelhouders van te betalen of bonussen uit te keren. Een ander deel – dat zal afhangen van bank tot bank – zal het geld op de kapitaalmarkt moeten halen.’ Volgens Wellink zal de economie waarschijnlijk geen impact ondervinden, maar sommigen menen toch dat de banken op zijn minst in beperkte mate de rem op de kredietverlening zullen zetten.
De essentie van de nieuwe vereiste kapitaalbuffers is als volgt:
- Het minimum aandelen of kernkapitaal stijgt van 2% van de risicogewogen activa nu, naar 4,5% in 2015. De invoering verloopt gradueel, in 2013 stijgt het minimum naar 3,5% in 2014 naar 4% Begin deze week lag er nog een voorstel op tafel om het minimum tot 5% op te trekken.
- Bovenop het minimum aandelenkapitaal komt er nog eens een beschermingsbuffer. Die moet tegen 2019 2,5% bedragen. De buffer wordt ook geleidelijk ingevoerd, vanaf 2016. In totaal moet de ‘harde kern van het eigen vermogen’, het risicokapitaal in aandelen, dus in 2019 7% van de risicogewogen activa bedragen. Ook hier is het definitieve akkoord iets zwakker dan de 3% die eerder op tafel lag, bovendien start de invoering niet in 2014 maar pas in 2016. Banken die wel aan het minimum van 4,5% voldoen maar onder 7% blijven, zullen met beperkingen kampen bij dividenduitkeringen tot hun beschermingsbuffer op 2,5%t ligt.
- Er komt ook een anticyclische buffer tussen 0 en 2,5%, die de nationale toezichthouders in functie van de lokale omstandigheden kunnen opleggen. In tijden van hoogconjunctuur moeten banken dan eventueel een extra buffer aanleggen, die vervolgens in tijden van laagconjunctuur kan dienen als buffer om bijvoorbeeld probleemkredieten op te vangen. Met die anticyclische buffer kunnen toezichthouders proberen excessieve kredietverlening tijdens een boom tegen te gaan.
- Toezichthouders scherpen ook de vereisten voor het Tier1-kapitaal aan. Dat zijn de gewone aandelen plus een aantal hybride effecten die banken als ‘bijna-kapitaal’ in rekening mogen brengen. Het minimum stijgt van de huidige Bazel II-norm van 4 procent naar 4,5% in 2013, 5,5% in 2014 en ten slotte 6% in 2015. Inclusief de beschermingsbuffer komt de lat dus op 8,5%.
- De totale hefboom komt, zoals de toezichthouders al in juli meldden, op 33,3. Dat betekent dat banken voor elke euro eigen vermogen nog 33,3 euro kredieten en beleggingen zullen mogen op de balans houden.
De Belgische grootbanken voldoen nu al allemaal aan de nieuwe 8,5% norm voor het Tier 1-kernkapitaal. Maar er zijn ook wijzigingen in wat banken als kapitaal mogen meerekenen en in de definitie van risicogewogen activa. Mogelijk zitten daar dus nog addertjes onder het gras.
Maandag geeft Jean-Claude Trichet waarschijnlijk nadere tekst en uitleg. Nu beperkt de voorzitter van de Europese Centrale Bank en de voorzitter van de Groep van Toezichthouders zich tot de verklaring dat de regels een ‘fundementele versterking van de wereldwijd kapitaalnormen inhouden’.
Het Baselcomité is maandenlang bezig geweest om de bestaande regels, de in 2004 ingevoerde Basel II-normen, te verfijnen. En ook nu is het werk nog niet definitief. Het laatste woord is immers aan de G20-vergadering van november. De Basel II-normen schoten tijdens de financiële crisis, die in de zomer van 2007 begon, schromelijk tekort. In 2007 hadden veel Europese en Amerikaanse banken voor elke euro eigen vermogen 30, 40 of zelfs 50 euro kredieten en beleggingen uitstaan.
Bij een grote schok – zoals de Amerikaanse vastgoedcrisis – werd daardoor meteen de hele kapitaalbuffer in geen tijd weggevaagd en moesten banken keer op keer nieuwe kapitaalrondes doorvoeren.
De strengere normen wierpen vorige week al een schaduw vooruit op de financiële markten. National Bank of Greece, de Griekse commerciële bank die in juli nochtans geslaagd was in de Europese bankenstresstest, kondigde woensdag alvast aan op zoek te zijn naar 2,8 miljard euro vers geld.
Deutsche Bank kondigde zondagavond aan 9,8 miljard euro te willen ophalen met een kapitaalverhoging. De bank wil het geld vooral gebruiken om haar belang in Deutsche Postbank op te drijven en haar filiaal financieel te versterken. Met de nakende, strengere kapitaalregels gaan waarschijnlijk meer banken de markt op. Door snel te zijn heeft Deutsche Bank een concurrentievoordeel.
Bron: De Tijd
Dit is wat Rockefeller bij die gelegenheid zei:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”
“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.
But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.
The supranational sovereignty of an Intellectual Elite and World Bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
Supranational regeren is uw EU
De worldbankers o.a. Deutsche Bank allen welk in BIS samenkomen en vertegenwoordigt zijn.
De Intellectuele Elite wordt nog dagelijks geronseld aan Harvard en gaat via Skull and Bones ongeveer 3500-5000 mensen waar o.a. Bush leider van is. Zie zijn toespraak voor Skull.
Het is een geheim dat Skull and Bones witte boorden de handel en achtergrond vormen van de aanwezigheid van amerikanen in Afganistan .
Zij bezitten de aanvoer van drugs uit die landen naar o.a. de VS.
Daarom gaan de soldaten er niet snel weg
en velen zullen er moeten sterven.
Zij sterven voor eigen Elite.
Bilderberg is de europese tak en zet een supranational unie op in europa met eventueel turkije.
Geen nationale beleid- geld – cultuur etc… etc.
Ook de nationale cultuur van een land in de Eu moet zo veel mogelijk afgebroken worden door toelating van zoveel mensen uit andere culturen.
Bilderberg heeft een jaarthema gehad en deze was:De-nationalisation. Laat de nationale identiteit van een land zoveel mogelijk oplossen om tot een OWG te komen.
Bestudeer en neem de feiten om je heen nauwkeurig waar.
reactie op maxdetak jarenlang heb ik mij al de vraag gesteld met welk nut men zoveel migranten onze westerse landen toelaat zelfs met alle problemen die dit meebrengt men voelt zich momenteel een vreemde in eigen land .Zelf wanneer het merendeel van de bevolking hier hetzelfde idee over heeft,men verdraaid de feiten altijd via de media enz..
Via u reactie heb ik nu begrepen hoe de vork in de steel zit ,ik heb altijd al het gevoel gehad dat dit niet normaal was.Ik vraag mij juist nog af wat u bedoeld met OWG.
OWG is One World Goverment
Pamela Hemelrijk lees o.a.
Bestudeer zeker het goud van de eu landen wat ermee is gebeurt en waar t zich bevindt.
Alle Eu landen hebben hun goudvoorraad deels moeten afstaan aan de Eu en t OWG.
Daar is heel goed overnagedacht en goed geplanned.
J.Zalm heeft ons nationale goud voor een belangrijk aan de ECB overgedaan voor …. niets.
Het ECB vormt een onderdeel van t OWG.
Goud is noodzaak voor de gulden of drachme of….herinvoering eigen munt.
De Eu is opgezet als een fuik er is geen weg terug en de fuik wordt steeds smaller naar de punt.
Daar ontstaat dus de verstikking.
Er is 40-60 jaar gewerkt om tot de Eu te komen en deze laat zij niet glippen.
Bestudeer hoe nauwgezet het OWG dus de Eu tot stand laat komen en uitbreidt met…
De landen waarmee de eu wordt uitgebreid hebben weinig economie of vermogen.
Jij gaat echter voor alen betalen je doet t nu al..
Zo wordt de opgebouwde pensioenpot door nederlanders in de afgelopen eeuwen dus…. doorgeschoven …
Goud symboliseert ook verleden en geschiedenis
Vele eeuwen van hard werken van onze voorouders en ouders hebben een goudvoorraad opgebouwd.
Door de goudvoorraad van een land weg te geven geef je een stuk identiteit, geschiedenis, verleden, werk arbeid etc weg.
Zo breek je dus ook een natie of volk .
Haal zijn verleden weg in zoveel mogelijke facetten enof gebieden.
Prins Jw is daarom zo sluw
Hij is een Bilderberger en werkt er dagelijks voor .
Om een nederlander toch nog een nederlands gevoel te geven staat hij te juichen bij de elfstedentocht of sportevenement.
Thuis gekomen breekt hij die stilletjes verder af..
Dus weinige heeft hem door ….
Zo werkt bilderberg, Rockefeller, de Eu Bak en Bea e.a.
Nog enkele sites voor wat ruimere info…
1954 – Oprichting van de geheime Bilderberg groep
Met het CDA op weg naar de fascistische heilstaat.
Hoe Verhage Cda de identiteitsbewijzen van Lenz kopieeert en er niets over in de media mag komen. CDA: een verleden met fascistische roots.
De Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel vindt dat haar landgenoten moeten wennen aan moskeeën. ‘Moskeeën zullen steeds meer in ons stadsbeeld aanwezig zijn.[email protected]/msg94820.html
Je kan er niets aan of tegen doen.
On August 31, 1983, McDonald was shot out of the sky in Korean Airlines 007, a commercial jet, which “accidentally” strayed into Soviet airspace.
Ze kijken niet op een lijk. Lees eens de boeken van Prof. Anthony Sutton… Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler e.a.
Voor de meeste lezers is dit alles te zware kost dus waardeer je interesse ten zeerste.
Te zwaar waarom en waaardoor….
Om te zorgen dat ze die doelen zullen bereiken, bevorderen de Bilderbergers “een vooral technische benadering en minder kennis bij het algemene publiek”.
Minder kennis bij t publiek door o.a. geeft veel nutteloze tv programma’s en zich vol etenden. Mensen vol en daardoor vaak met veel medicijnen kunnen geen helder oordeel of beeld vormen en zijn zeker niet geinteresseerd in achtergronden van gebeurtenissen.
Zie ook mijn berichten af en toe op[email protected]/msg94820.html
[quote name=”maxdetak”][email protected]/msg94820.html[/quote]
De link wordt geblokkeerd
Plans to destroy America are exposed!
By: Dr. James W. Wardner
@max, bedoel je dit stuk? —> I always thought my country was important. I was proud of America. Every citizen of every other nation in the world envied our freedom, our liberty, our private enterprise, and our good character. However, over the years an evil has crept into the country. Some might call it a necessary evil, but an evil is an evil nonetheless. As we enter the decade of the antiquity of nationalism, we also accept the slavery of America.
In the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Fall 1984 issue of Foreign Affairs, Richard Cooper laid out the plan for a one-world currency and one-world bank. “…I suggest a radical alternative scheme…the creation of a common currency for all the industrial democracies, with a common monetary policy and a joint Bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy.” In 1974 Richard Gardner wrote an article for Foreign Affairs called “The Hard Road to World Order.” Gardner lamented: “We are witnessing an outbreak of shortsighted nationalism that seems oblivious to the economic, political, and moral implications of interdependence.” He asserted that “an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.”
It is absolutely critical to understand that the CFR is not a group of bored financiers who would prefer yachting to politicking. It is through their biased philosophy that they are actually able to control the daily activities, expenses, costs, inflation, and government regulations that achieve their end. If their end is the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth, who will rule? They are not God, but they think their standards, laws, and rules of government are best.
During the Eisenhower presidency (1953 – 1961), Congress established the Reece Committee to investigate tax-free foundations (Rockefeller,Ford, Carnegie). The committee’s report found:
“In the international field, foundations, and an interlock among some of them and certain intermediary organizations, have exercised a strong effect upon our foreign policy and upon public education in things international. This has been accomplished by vast propaganda, by supplying executives and advisors to government, and by controlling much research in this area through the power of the purse. The net result of these combined efforts has been to promote ‘internationalism’ in a particular sense – a form directed toward ‘world government’ and a derogation of American ‘nationalism.'”
They observed that the major foundations “have actively supported attacks upon our social and government system and financed the promotion of socialism and collectivist ideas.” The Reece Committee clearly declared that the CFR was “in essence an agency of the United States Government” and that its “productions are not objective but are directed overwhelmingly at promoting a globalist concept.”
James Warburg CFR was one of FDR’s appointees. He was the son of Paul Warburg, one of the architects of the Federal Reserve Bank. James Warburg once told a Senate committee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.”
The founding of the CFR has been for the specific purpose of conditioning the people to accept and desire world government. Everywhere today we are being sold the global, one-planet, one-world concept. It is pure propaganda promoting that America move away from the one thing proclaiming it free – the U. S. Constitution! When the Rockefellers and Rothchilds, behind the veil of politics, have eliminated America’s Constitution and America’s guns, every freedom this country has ever known will be gone.
The CFR is little known today because the media wants to control what you know. Do not expect the media to tell you the truth because they are sworn to secrecy. The infiltration is virtually complete. We can only imagine the immensity of the cover-up when from the council’s own 1987 report we read that 262 of its members are “journalists, correspondents, and communications executives.”
As the size of the secret beast grows, it is necessary even for the conspiratorial to expand to maintain its web. In 1987 CFR president Peter Tarnoff indicated that: “…we have decided to increase the size of our operation in the nation’s capital…Over the next three years, we also intend to allow the stated membership in Washington to rise from the present level of 464 to 600…”
In July 1972 the organizational meetings of the Trilateral Commission (TC) were held at the estate of David Rockefeller, chairman of the CFR. Members are drawn from international business, banking, government, academia, and mass media. The purpose of the TC is to engineer an enduring partnership among the ruling classes of North America, Western Europe, and Japan – thus trilateral.
They seek an age of post-nationalism when, devoid of ethnic culture and history, the social, economic, and political values esteemed by the Trilateral “volunteers” will be transformed into universal values. That is, a universal economy, a universal minded government (appointed, not elected), and a universal faith. Like-minded government officials and business leaders are to carry out national and international policy formation. There must be “more technical focus, and lesser public awareness.” This lessons the chance for people to grasp the overall scheme of the world managers and organize serious resistance.
Senator Barry Goldwater termed the TC “David Rockefeller’s newest international cabal.” He said, “It is intended to be a vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.”
There are increasing numbers of CFR members in the legislative branch of government. George Bush had 387 members of the CFR in his administration. Ronald Reagan had 313. The team of Clinton and Gore is financed and supported by the CFR as well. Clinton is a member of the CFR and the TC.
Of the 59 people Reagan named to a transition team designated to select, screen, and recommend appointees for administrative posts, 28 were CFR members, at least 10 were Trilateralists, and 10 belonged to the secret Bilderbergers. As president, he appointed over 80 individuals to his administration who were members of the CFR, the TC, or both. Note especially his running mate, Trilateralist George Bush. Reagan appointed to the highest offices in government: 64 CFR members, and 5 former members of the TC.
Carter appointed more than 70 men from the CFR and over 20 members of the TC to the highest unelected offices of government.
In October 1967, Nixon wrote an article for the CFR titled “Asia After Vietnam.” He hinted of the probable open door to Communist China. He also wrote of the need in Asia “to evoke regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a New World Order.” Nixon, in 1967, was – a globalist!
In October 1992 Bill Clinton stated: “There is just one thing I cannot do. I cannot take us back to the way it was before.” That statement has significant meaning. Even though “back” is exactly were we need to go – to a righteous and moral nation under God and to a godly heritage and an untainted Constitution, Clinton knows as a CFR/TC member his destiny is with the money lenders pushing America deceitfully into a “New Age”.
Cultural and family tradition is now labeled as “quaint” but inimical to the ushering in of the New Age of global capitalism where there are no countries, only regions of earth. The Trilateralists have already divided the entire earth into ten regions. With this kind of view, the educated observer begins to understand why the “New World Order” is so eager to rid itself of our beloved Constitution.
The Trilateral plan for America is for America’s standard of living to decline. This has occurred and will continue to occur because to integrate the United States into the international co-op we must allow other countries to catch up as consumers. Remember the point: Profit – Power – Control – More Profit – Absolute Power – Absolute Control! Do you suppose we will be allowed to vote on whether the chief power of the New World Order is a Democrat or a Republican? Or are you beginning to understand that the reason things never change in U. S. Government is because of the subterfuge behind the conspirators we are constrained to vote for?
Thomas Jefferson explained it this way: “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (presidents), too plainly prove a deliberate systematical plan of reducing us to slavery.”
We have today a centralized, private Ministry of Public Information. Each citizen’s fate is shaped by powerful forces in distant places. These people set the national agenda. They are shaping the consensus of society. Lord Acton’s aphorism that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” could never be truer. And what could be a more fitting corruption than corrupting 247 million people all at the same time! That is the height of Luciferian dominance.
Thanks to monopoly we no longer have media accountability. This concentration of power over public information is inherently anti-democratic. Centralized control (not at all different from Pravda in Russia) is totally incompatible with freedom! The idea that the public will reject the media conglomerate product has no strength when public choice is inoperative due to a monopoly. The Rockefellers through their control over public information can shape public opinion and actually determine whether politicians are elected or reelected. Issues can be promoted by the media, or at strategic times, ignored.
Congressman Larry McDonald was one of the few patriots who fought against the New World Order in the 1970’s and 1980’s. In his introduction to the book The Rockefeller File, he wrote: “It is a compact, powerful, and frightening presentation of what may be the most important story of our lifetime – the drive of the Rockefellers and their allies to create a one-world government combining super-capitalism and communism under the same tent, all under their control…The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of America, and then the rest of the world. Do I mean a conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” On August 31, 1983, McDonald was shot out of the sky in Korean Airlines 007, a commercial jet, which “accidentally” strayed into Soviet airspace.
Dr. James Wardner has authored two books exposing the one world government conspiracy. For further information write him at P. O. Box 163141 Altamonte Springs, FL 32716.
I always thought my country was important. I was proud of America. Every citizen of every other nation in the world envied our freedom, our liberty, our private enterprise, and our good character. However, over the years an evil has crept into the country. Some might call it a necessary evil, but an evil is an evil nonetheless. As we enter the decade of the antiquity of nationalism, we also accept the slavery of America.
In the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Fall 1984 issue of Foreign Affairs, Richard Cooper laid out the plan for a one-world currency and one-world bank. “…I suggest a radical alternative scheme…the creation of a common currency for all the industrial democracies, with a common monetary policy and a joint Bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy.” In 1974 Richard Gardner wrote an article for Foreign Affairs called “The Hard Road to World Order.” Gardner lamented: “We are witnessing an outbreak of shortsighted nationalism that seems oblivious to the economic, political, and moral implications of interdependence.” He asserted that “an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.”
It is absolutely critical to understand that the CFR is not a group of bored financiers who would prefer yachting to politicking. It is through their biased philosophy that they are actually able to control the daily activities, expenses, costs, inflation, and government regulations that achieve their end. If their end is the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth, who will rule? They are not God, but they think their standards, laws, and rules of government are best.
During the Eisenhower presidency (1953 – 1961), Congress established the Reece Committee to investigate tax-free foundations (Rockefeller,Ford, Carnegie). The committee’s report found:
“In the international field, foundations, and an interlock among some of them and certain intermediary organizations, have exercised a strong effect upon our foreign policy and upon public education in things international. This has been accomplished by vast propaganda, by supplying executives and advisors to government, and by controlling much research in this area through the power of the purse. The net result of these combined efforts has been to promote ‘internationalism’ in a particular sense – a form directed toward ‘world government’ and a derogation of American ‘nationalism.'”
They observed that the major foundations “have actively supported attacks upon our social and government system and financed the promotion of socialism and collectivist ideas.” The Reece Committee clearly declared that the CFR was “in essence an agency of the United States Government” and that its “productions are not objective but are directed overwhelmingly at promoting a globalist concept.”
James Warburg CFR was one of FDR’s appointees. He was the son of Paul Warburg, one of the architects of the Federal Reserve Bank. James Warburg once told a Senate committee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.”
The founding of the CFR has been for the specific purpose of conditioning the people to accept and desire world government. Everywhere today we are being sold the global, one-planet, one-world concept. It is pure propaganda promoting that America move away from the one thing proclaiming it free – the U. S. Constitution! When the Rockefellers and Rothchilds, behind the veil of politics, have eliminated America’s Constitution and America’s guns, every freedom this country has ever known will be gone.
The CFR is little known today because the media wants to control what you know. Do not expect the media to tell you the truth because they are sworn to secrecy. The infiltration is virtually complete. We can only imagine the immensity of the cover-up when from the council’s own 1987 report we read that 262 of its members are “journalists, correspondents, and communications executives.”
As the size of the secret beast grows, it is necessary even for the conspiratorial to expand to maintain its web. In 1987 CFR president Peter Tarnoff indicated that: “…we have decided to increase the size of our operation in the nation’s capital…Over the next three years, we also intend to allow the stated membership in Washington to rise from the present level of 464 to 600…”
In July 1972 the organizational meetings of the Trilateral Commission (TC) were held at the estate of David Rockefeller, chairman of the CFR. Members are drawn from international business, banking, government, academia, and mass media. The purpose of the TC is to engineer an enduring partnership among the ruling classes of North America, Western Europe, and Japan – thus trilateral.
They seek an age of post-nationalism when, devoid of ethnic culture and history, the social, economic, and political values esteemed by the Trilateral “volunteers” will be transformed into universal values. That is, a universal economy, a universal minded government (appointed, not elected), and a universal faith. Like-minded government officials and business leaders are to carry out national and international policy formation. There must be “more technical focus, and lesser public awareness.” This lessons the chance for people to grasp the overall scheme of the world managers and organize serious resistance.
Senator Barry Goldwater termed the TC “David Rockefeller’s newest international cabal.” He said, “It is intended to be a vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.”
There are increasing numbers of CFR members in the legislative branch of government. George Bush had 387 members of the CFR in his administration. Ronald Reagan had 313. The team of Clinton and Gore is financed and supported by the CFR as well. Clinton is a member of the CFR and the TC.
Of the 59 people Reagan named to a transition team designated to select, screen, and recommend appointees for administrative posts, 28 were CFR members, at least 10 were Trilateralists, and 10 belonged to the secret Bilderbergers. As president, he appointed over 80 individuals to his administration who were members of the CFR, the TC, or both. Note especially his running mate, Trilateralist George Bush. Reagan appointed to the highest offices in government: 64 CFR members, and 5 former members of the TC.
Carter appointed more than 70 men from the CFR and over 20 members of the TC to the highest unelected offices of government.
In October 1967, Nixon wrote an article for the CFR titled “Asia After Vietnam.” He hinted of the probable open door to Communist China. He also wrote of the need in Asia “to evoke regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a New World Order.” Nixon, in 1967, was – a globalist!
In October 1992 Bill Clinton stated: “There is just one thing I cannot do. I cannot take us back to the way it was before.” That statement has significant meaning. Even though “back” is exactly were we need to go – to a righteous and moral nation under God and to a godly heritage and an untainted Constitution, Clinton knows as a CFR/TC member his destiny is with the money lenders pushing America deceitfully into a “New Age”.
Cultural and family tradition is now labeled as “quaint” but inimical to the ushering in of the New Age of global capitalism where there are no countries, only regions of earth. The Trilateralists have already divided the entire earth into ten regions. With this kind of view, the educated observer begins to understand why the “New World Order” is so eager to rid itself of our beloved Constitution.
The Trilateral plan for America is for America’s standard of living to decline. This has occurred and will continue to occur because to integrate the United States into the international co-op we must allow other countries to catch up as consumers. Remember the point: Profit – Power – Control – More Profit – Absolute Power – Absolute Control! Do you suppose we will be allowed to vote on whether the chief power of the New World Order is a Democrat or a Republican? Or are you beginning to understand that the reason things never change in U. S. Government is because of the subterfuge behind the conspirators we are constrained to vote for?
Thomas Jefferson explained it this way: “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (presidents), too plainly prove a deliberate systematical plan of reducing us to slavery.”
We have today a centralized, private Ministry of Public Information. Each citizen’s fate is shaped by powerful forces in distant places. These people set the national agenda. They are shaping the consensus of society. Lord Acton’s aphorism that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” could never be truer. And what could be a more fitting corruption than corrupting 247 million people all at the same time! That is the height of Luciferian dominance.
Thanks to monopoly we no longer have media accountability. This concentration of power over public information is inherently anti-democratic. Centralized control (not at all different from Pravda in Russia) is totally incompatible with freedom! The idea that the public will reject the media conglomerate product has no strength when public choice is inoperative due to a monopoly. The Rockefellers through their control over public information can shape public opinion and actually determine whether politicians are elected or reelected. Issues can be promoted by the media, or at strategic times, ignored.
Congressman Larry McDonald was one of the few patriots who fought against the New World Order in the 1970’s and 1980’s. In his introduction to the book The Rockefeller File, he wrote: “It is a compact, powerful, and frightening presentation of what may be the most important story of our lifetime – the drive of the Rockefellers and their allies to create a one-world government combining super-capitalism and communism under the same tent, all under their control…The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of America, and then the rest of the world. Do I mean a conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” On August 31, 1983, McDonald was shot out of the sky in Korean Airlines 007, a commercial jet, which “accidentally” strayed into Soviet airspace.
Dr. James Wardner has authored two books exposing the one world government conspiracy. For further information write him at P. O. Box 163141 Altamonte Springs, FL 32716.