Het aantal getroffenen zowel in China als in 27 andere landen blijft toenemen. De trieste stand op maandag 10 februari 2020 11:40GMT :

‘Coronavirus Cases:







Onderstaande video is van een YouTuber die tien jaar in China gewoond heeft. Daarin wordt gesteld dat bovenstaande cijfers, de officiële, nog flink onderschat zijn:


‘laowhy86’ heeft bijna 400.000 abonnees op zijn YouTube kanaal, dus wel iemand met een Stem waarnaar geluisterd wordt. Hij zegt constant in contact te staan met mensen uit Wuhan, de stad waar het Coronavirus uitbrak. Dat zou op 8 december 2019 zijn, maar waarschijnlijker reeds in november 2019. De burgemeester van Wuhan (11 miljoen inwoners) bood ondertussen aan ontslag te nemen. Hij wil de schuld op zich nemen dat er niet snel genoeg zou gereageerd zijn op de uitbraak. Er zou geprobeerd zijn door middel van arrestaties de uitbraak eerst stil te houden.

“De hele wereld moet actie ondernemen”

Op een evacuatievlucht van woensdag 29 januari richting Japan bleken 3 van de 200 passagiers besmet. Wat het totaal aantal geïnfecteerden in Japan op 11 brengt. Bijzonder onrustwekkend is dat twee Japanse besmetten nooit in China geweest zijn. Dus is het virus op een andere, nog onbekende manier reeds in het land geraakt. ‘The WHO has come under fire after it last week declined to declare a global health emergency. The global health body’s chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed regret for what he called a “human error” in the WHO’s assessment. WHO’s Emergency Committee will meet Thursday to decide whether to declare an emergency — which could lead to travel or trade barriers.’ De hele wereld moet actie ondernemen, aldus Michael Ryan, hoofd van het WHO Health Emergencies Programme.

Evacuatie mits betaling

Een bijzonder vreemd bericht is wel het volgende. De 600 Australiërs die in de streek verblijven, moeten elk $1000 betalen om geëvacueerd te worden. Dat zou de Australische overheid eisen voordat zijn op het vliegtuig mogen. ‘The Federal Government on Wednesday announced plans to evacuate Australians via a Qantas jet, but confirmed the following day evacuees would have to pay up before they stepped foot on the plane. ‘People have to pay for the flight from China back to Australia. That’s, as I’m advised by DFAT, the normal way in which these things occur and that will be the limit of the contribution,’ Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said on Thursday.’ Gezondheid van burgers is één zaak, maar centen blijkbaar een andere…    

Mensen worden opgesloten in hun huizen

Enorm triest om te zien is dat de mensen in China panisch zijn voor verdere besmettingen. Mogelijke geïnfecteerden worden opgesloten in hun huizen. Het zullen de besmettingen zijn die waarschijnlijk niet in de officiële cijfers worden meegenomen, maar waar wel rekening mee gehouden dient te worden. Hieronder de beelden.


Updates Coronavirus

Biflatie volgt de ontwikkelingen rond het Coronavirus constant voor u op, zie ook delen 1 en 2, van wat eruit ziet als, helaas, een lange reeks artikelen… Bekijk ook de comments van de artikelen, waar interessante verwijzingen en feiten worden geplaatst.

173 reacties

  1. De financiële markten bloeden wereldwijd, geen wonder want het virus is: oorzaak niet duidelijk, mate van uitbreiding héél snel, geen vaccin, economische kost onberekenbaar:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-7946539/World-markets-tumble-fears-virus-outbreak-spread.html
    Baricades, stijgende voedselprijzen, tientallen miljoenen vast in provincies, stad, huis; de menselijke drama’s: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-7946469/China-virus-fears-prompt-homemade-barricades-online-shaming.html

  2. Some details on cases confirmed as of Thursday evening in Beijing:

    — China: 7,711 cases on the mainland. In addition, Hong Kong has eight cases and Macao has five. Nearly all of the 170 deaths have been in central Hubei province, where illnesses from the new type of coronavirus were first detected in December.

    — Thailand: 14

    — Japan: 11

    — Singapore: 10

    — Taiwan: 8

    — Malaysia: 8

    — Australia: 7

    — South Korea: 6

    — France: 5

    — Vietnam: 5

    — United States: 5.

    — Germany: 4

    — Canada: 3

    — United Arab Emirates: 4

    — India: 1

    — Philippines: 1

    — Finland: 1

    — Nepal: 1

    — Cambodia: 1

    — Sri Lanka: 1 https://apnews.com/d0b3deb173b723aa14f6f3d6d1187de5

  3. Het Coronavirus is nu over elke regio van China verspreid!

    ‘The deadly coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, has now spread to every region of the country.
    China’s National Health Committee confirmed a case of the virus in the southwestern frontier region of Tibet on Thursday. Tibet is the last of China’s 34 regions to see someone infected by 2019-nCoV.
    The death toll is still climbing. A total of 170 people died of the virus as of Thursday, all of whom are in China.’

    Wereld Gezondheids Organisatie (WHO) roept alle landen op zich voor te bereiden! https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/43373/20200130/every-country-should-be-ready-to-deal-with-coronavirus-%E2%80%93-who.htm

  4. Over het verschil tussen een griepepidemie, SARS en Corona: https://theconversation.com/is-the-coronavirus-outbreak-as-bad-as-sars-or-the-2009-influenza-pandemic-a-biologist-explains-the-clues-130766

    Hoe weet je of je het virus hebt? https://theconversation.com/how-do-i-know-if-i-might-have-coronavirus-5-questions-answered-130786

    Don’t worry, be happy! We mogen gerust zijn, zegt (tot nader order nog president) Donald Trump: https://hotair.com/archives/jazz-shaw/2020/01/30/trump-dont-worry-chinas-got-coronavirus-thing-covered/

    Weet dhr. Trump dat het virus ook al in zijn homeland, zijn geliefde U S of A zit? The virus has now spread globally with roughly 100 cases reported across at least 19 countries, according to the CDC, including five confirmed cases in the U.S. across four states, California, Washington, Arizona, and Illinois.

  5. Over Nederlanders: ‘A total of 18 Dutch in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter for the new coronavirus, reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that they want to be evacuated from the country, Minister Stef Blok confirmed. Exactly when this evacuation will happen, is not yet clear. The Dutch embassy in China warned Dutch in the area that they may have to spend 14 days in quarantine in another EU country. “Eighteen Dutch people who want to leave Wuhan have reported to us. To get the evacuation done, European cooperation is needed and the Chinese authorities must give permission for the people to leave the area,” Blok said, according to NU.nl. The Ministry previously said that there were 20 Dutch in the area. The EU, at the request of France, agreed to send two planes to China to pick up EU citizens. One left on Wednesday, the other is expected to fly to China later this week’ . https://nltimes.nl/2020/01/30/18-dutch-extracted-china-may-quarantined-elsewhere-eu

  6. ‘BEIJING, January 30. /TASS/. The number of confirmed cases of pneumonia caused by coronavirus 2019-nCoV has jumped to 8,152 on Thursday evening. Statements issued by Chinese regional health committees say that 171 people died from the disease. Medics suspect 12,000 more Chinese citizens of having contracted the new type of coronavirus’: https://tass.com/world/1114761

  7. Kerala, India: 15 personen geïsoleerd en 1038 worden geobserveerd thuis ivm het Coronavirus: http://www.asianage.com/india/all-india/310120/kerala-sounds-alert-as-1053-under-watch.html

    Officiële benaming vanwege het WHO: a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).” En: ‘The US CDC confirmed the first instance of person-to-person spread of the 2019-nCoV in the country in a press briefing just before the WHO announced its PHEIC determination.’ https://www.who.int/ihr/procedures/pheic/en/

  8. ‘A Chinese media outlet covering the deadly coronavirus in the country has raised suspicion about the actual death toll of the illness after local doctors said they have been cremating victims of the disease in secret.’ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/draconian-measures-china-allegedly-cremating-coronavirus-victims-in-secret

    De trieste stand d.d. vrijdag 31 januari 2020 is: 212 doden en 8236 besmette personen wereldwijd…

  9. Maandagochtend 3 februari 2020 gaan alle Chinese financiële markten terug open. Het zal spannend worden… https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/china-s-financial-markets-will-reopen-to-a-barrage-of-selling-1.1382609

    Net als voor vastgoed gevreesd wordt: https://www.scmp.com/print/property/hong-kong-china/article/3048355/double-whammy-coronavirus-and-protests-about-send-hong


    South China Morning Post
    779K abonnees
    Live figures from the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak in China that has been declared a global health emergency. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pr6F2wwJWQ

  10. 2 Besmettingen in een nieuw land: het VK. https://www.halesowennews.co.uk/news/regional/18201465.two-cases-coronavirus-confirmed-england/

    Cases confirmed as of Friday evening in Beijing:

    – China: 9,692 cases on the mainland. In addition, Hong Kong has 12 cases and Macao has five. Most of the 213 deaths have been in central Hubei province, where illnesses from the new type of coronavirus were first detected in December.

    – Thailand: 19

    – Japan: 14

    – Singapore: 13

    – Taiwan: 9

    – Malaysia: 8

    – Australia: 7

    – South Korea: 11

    – France: 6

    – Vietnam: 5

    – United States: 6

    – Germany: 5

    – Canada: 3

    – United Arab Emirates: 4

    – Italy: 2

    – England: 2

    – India: 1

    – Philippines: 1

    – Finland: 1

    – Nepal: 1

    – Cambodia: 1

    – Sri Lanka: 1 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-7951941/New-virus-infected-9-800-globally.html

  11. Minstens tweederde van de Chinese economie blijft maandag dicht, gesloten, ongebruikt: https://www.forexlive.com/news/!/chinese-markets-return-next-week-but-at-least-two-thirds-of-the-economy-will-stay-shut-20200131

    20 Nederlanders mogen wanneer geëvacueerd, in eigen huis verblijven wanneer het geschikt is…(?!) https://nltimes.nl/2020/01/31/dutch-extracted-china-can-quarantined-homes

    ‘The Dutch people who will be extracted from the Chinese city of Wuhan over the weekend will be allowed to spend the two weeks long quarantine period – to make sure they are not infected with the new coronavirus – in their own home in the Netherlands, provided that their home is suitable for this, the Dutch embassy in China informed them by email, NOS reports.

    The embassy initially warned that the Dutch may have to be quarantined in another European country – the country they first landed in. But that now seems not to be necessary, according to the email.

    There are 20 Dutch people currently in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. Eighteen of them informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that they want to return to the Netherlands. They will likely fly back to Europe on a French plane during the early hours of Sunday morning, according to NOS. They will have to get to the airport in Wuhan themselves, but their return to Europe will be funded by the EU and the Netherlands.’

  12. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12304547: Coronavirus: China accused of ‘burning bodies in secret’

    Eerste besmetting in weer een nieuw land: Rusland. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/01/31/russia-reports-first-coronavirus-cases-a69123

    ‘Key Developments:
    Confirmed cases in China rise to 9,809 from 7,700
    At least two-thirdsof China’s economy to stay shut next week
    Goldman sees virus hurting U.S. economic growth
    Read a Bloomberg Q&A with health experts
    See first images of how Coronavirus replicates in cells here’

  13. Aantal besmettingen in Australië nu 12: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-01/coronavirus-confirmed-in-south-australia-and-victoria/11920754

    http://en.people.cn/n3/2020/0201/c90000-9653165.html Inspanningen van de overheid specifiek naar buitenlanders toe: ‘A public letter was released to foreigners in the Chinese capital city Beijing on Friday, offering a list of 101 hospitals for the treatment of fever and 20 hospitals designated for treating novel coronavirus infections.

    Beijing has also set up a hotline to provide information about the epidemic in eight foreign languages, according to the Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal People’s Government.’

  14. China is niet opgezet met de Amerikaanse opmerking “dat dit virus Amerikaanse jobs zal helpen.” Inderdaad: getuigend van cynisme en weinig goede smaak!

    ‘Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Comments to the Press on Unfriendly US Remarks Amid China’s Fight Against the Outbreak

    Q: As China makes its utmost efforts to fight the pneumonia outbreak caused by the novel coronavirus, some US officials have made comments unfriendly towards China. The US Secretary of Commerce said the outbreak would help to accelerate the return of jobs to the US. Some other US officials suggested that China is not cooperating with the US. The Department of State today raised its travel advisory for China to the highest level, same as for Iraq and Afghanistan. The US Secretary of State continued to maliciously attack China’s governance system. What’s China’s response?

    A: The Chinese people are making their best efforts to fight against the outbreak. The Chinese government has released information and shared data with the US and the rest of the international community in a timely, transparent and responsible manner. As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Many countries have offered China help and support through various ways. In contrast, the US comments and actions are neither based on facts, nor helpful at this particular time. While the WHO has only just specifically advised against any travel restrictions, the US has decided to act in the opposite way. This has set a bad example. It is certainly not a gesture of goodwill.

    As a Chinese saying goes, “Just as polishing refines a piece of jade, adversity makes one stronger.” The Chinese nation is dedicated to social commitment and self-discipline. We firmly believe that with the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the enormous strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the robust support from the international community, the great Chinese people will stand united against the challenge, and will prevail over the outbreak. We will overcome all difficulties that stand in our way. And we will realize the great renewal of the Chinese nation.’

  15. ‘Sprekende’ drones waarschuwen burgers in China: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/health/2020/02/01/china-talking-drones-coronavirus-nr-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/around-the-world/

    Bloomberg geeft precieze aantallen en laatste nieuws:

    Key Developments:

    China recorded 2,102 new cases for Jan. 31, with 268 new severe cases. There have been 259 deaths so far
    Australia limits arrivals from China; Spain reports first case
    Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, U.A.E., U.S. confirm more infections
    Qatar Air becomes first Middle Eastern carrier to halt flights
    China could struggle to honor its trade deal with the U.S.

  16. Zondag 2 februari 2020: 304 overledenen en 14380 besmetten in China alleen al. 19544 mensen worden verdacht het virus te hebben. ‘Around two dozen other countries and regions have reported more than 130 cases, none of which have been fatal yet.’ Goedemorgen…(?!)

  17. ‘Around 137,600 people are under medical observation, while the number of people discharged reached 328. The cases have been reported also in Thailand, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, the U.S., France, Germany, North Korea, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Vietnam, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the U.K., Russia, Nepal, Cambodia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Finland and India.’ https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/death-toll-rises-to-304-in-china-s-coronavirus-outbreak/1721601

  18. ‘”HOLY MOTHER OF GOD,” Dr Eric Feigl-Ding wrote on his Twitter account on hearing the news.

    “It is thermonuclear pandemic level bad… I’m not exaggerating.” Dr Feigl-Ding is a health expert at Harvard University and has a dual doctorate in epidemiology and nutrition.

    “Some folks think I’m trying to incite fear. I’m not trying – I’m a scientist. This [virus] is serious.”‘


  19. 3 Besmette peronen in India: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/coronavirus-in-india-live-news-latest-updates/liveblog/73891111.cms

    ‘Central China’s Hubei Province reported 2,103 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 56 new deaths on Sunday, local health authorities said Monday.

    The provincial capital Wuhan reported 1,033 new confirmed cases and 41 new deaths, and the cities of Huanggang, Xiaogan, Jingzhou and Xiangyang reported 244, 169, 166 and 107 new confirmed cases, respectively, according to the Hubei Provincial Health Commission.

    Authorities discharged 80 patients from hospital in the province on Sunday.

    Hubei had reported 11,177 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus infection by Sunday, with 350 deaths and 1,701 cases in severe or critical condition. The province has seen 295 patients discharged from hospital.’

  20. China heeft dringend nood aan medisch materiaal: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2020/02/04/2003730322

    11 Landen sturen hulp (Nederland niet of nog niet): ‘Epidemic prevention and control supplies donated by 11 countries as well as the United Nations Children’s Fund had arrived in China by Sunday noon, a spokesperson said Monday.

    Those countries are the Republic of Korea, Japan, Britain, France, Turkey, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Iran, Belarus and Indonesia, foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a press briefing online.

    She said people from all walks of life in many countries have also offered support since the novel coronavirus outbreak.

    “A friend in need is a friend indeed. I’d like to thank them all,” Hua said, adding that medical masks, protective suits and safety goggles are in urgent need at present.’

  21. https://dailycaller.com/2020/02/03/harvard-professor-arrested-ties-with-chinese-government/

    Coronavirus heeft heel veel gemeen met SARS virus: https://www.businessinsider.com/wuhan-coronavirus-genome-close-to-sars-originated-in-bats-2020-2?international=true&r=US&IR=T

    ‘WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States has confirmed its second case of novel coronavirus person-to-person infection and expects the number to increase, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said during a press conference on Monday.

    “This is the second instance of person-to-person spread in the United States”, CDC National Centre for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Director Nancy Messonnier said. “We expect to see more cases of person-to-person spread among close contacts, and we continue to expect this will happen given the explosive nature of this outbreak in China.”‘ https://sputniknews.com/us/202002031078218378-us-confirms-second-person-to-person-coronavirus-infection/

  22. Een tweede dode buiten China: de eerste was op de Filipijnen, deze tweede overledene aan het Coronavirus bevond zich in Hongkong…

  23. Een doemscenario: 1,1 miljoen besmetten en 24.000 doden tegen einde februari: Coronavirus Targeting 1.14 million Infections, 24,000 Deaths by End February – Global Pandemic Day 57

  24. Reeds 33 besmetten in Japan: https://jen.jiji.com/jc/eng?g=eco&k=2020020500456

    Locations with Confirmed 2019-nCoV Cases
    Hong Kong
    Sri Lanka
    The Republic of Korea
    United Arab Emirates
    United Kingdom
    United States


  25. De Gates Stichting geef $100 miljoen om Coronavirus te bestrijden: ‘The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced an increase in its commitment to containing 2019 novel coronavirus to $100 million on Wednesday. The funds will go toward improving detection, isolation, and treatment efforts, as well as accelerating the development of vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics. Funds will also be allocated for protecting countries in Africa and South Asia against the spread of the virus.’ https://www.devex.com/news/coronavirus-gates-gives-100-million-to-prevent-virus-spread-96509

  26. Nog een besmetting bij in de VS, in een heel andere staat: https://www.sciencespacerobots.com/breaking/20520202

    Er zou een behandeling zijn die effectief is (we moeten ons hoeden voor het vele foute nieuws dat ook circuleert): ‘China’s Changjiang Daily, the official newspaper of the city of Wuhan where the virus outbreak began, reported on Tuesday that a team of researchers led by Zhejiang University professor Li Lanjuan have found that drugs Abidol and Darunavir can inhibit the virus in vitro cell experiments.

    Separately, Sky News reported that a British scientist has made a significant breakthrough in the race for a vaccine by reducing part of the normal development time from two to three years to only 14 days.

    A vaccine will be too late for the current virus but the breakthrough will be crucial if there is another outbreak, Sky said.’ https://financialtribune.com/articles/energy/102032/oil-jumps-3-on-reports-of-effective-coronavirus-drug

  27. Donderdag 6 februari 2020: 560 doden en ‘meer dan 27300’ besmetten, in China alleen al. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/wuhan-virus-china-death-toll-rises-12399726

    ‘Tencent, China’s second biggest company, has an ‘Epidemic Situation Tracker’
    Screen grabs purport to show leaked figures on the conglomerate’s website
    Lists death toll at a staggering 24,589 – more than 80 times the official figures
    Meanwhile the infected is listed as over 154,000 – more than 10 times the official’ Waren, zijn dit de echte cifjfers die per ongeluk gelekt werden? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7971401/Have-real-coronavirus-death-figures-leaked-Chinese-conglomerate-lists-death-toll-24-589.html

  28. Besmettingen (geen doden tot nu toe) buiten China:

    Japan — 45

    Singapore — 28

    Thailand — 25

    South Korea — 23

    Australia — 14

    Germany — 12

    Taiwan — 11

    Malaysia — 10

    France — 6

    United Arab Emirates — 5

    Canada — 4

    India — 3

    Phillippines — 3 (1 death)

    Russia — 2

    Spain — 1

    Italy — 2

    Sweden — 1

    Belgium — 1

    Nepal — 1

    Finland –1

    Sri Lanka — 1

    Cambodia — 1 https://www.foxnews.com/health/newborn-becomes-youngest-person-diagnosed-coronavirus-infections-near-30k

  29. ’the number of deaths from the coronavirus in China climbed to at least 632.’ https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/doctor-who-issued-warning-dies-deaths-top-632-virus-update-1.1386325

    ‘About 99% of the more than 30,000 cases have been reported in mainland China. Nearly 230 cases have been reported in about 27 other countries and regions, a Reuters tally based on official statements shows.

    Over 600 people have died in China, most in and around the city of Wuhan, where the virus emerged late last year. One person has died in Hong Kong and one in the Philippines, both following visits to Wuhan.

    Singapore, Thailand and Japan have the most cases outside of China

    It took the new coronavirus 48 days to infect the first1,000 people. It took SARS 130 days to infect 1,000 people. Ittook MERS 2.5 years to infect 1,000 people.’ https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-china-health-virus-facts-factbox/factbox-what-we-know-and-do-not-know-about-the-new-coronavirus-idUKKBN2002ZO?rpc=401&

  30. Als een president iets zegt, moéten we dat wel geloven, nietwaar? https://www.aninews.in/news/world/asia/xi-tells-trump-coronavirus-outbreak-will-not-affect-chinas-economic-development20200207125437/

    ’28 Countries and Territories around the world have reported a total of 31,493 confirmed cases of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) that originated from Wuhan, China, and a death toll of 638 deaths.’ Dat is inclusief 2 doden buiten China, in Hongkong en op de Filippijnen. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/countries-where-coronavirus-has-spread/

  31. App van Chinese zoekgigant Baidu meldt besmettingshaarden in real time: ‘Chinese search giant Baidu is making it easier for people to avoid areas where the new coronavirus [2] has spread. The company released an epidemic map for its Baidu Map app that shows the location of confirmed and suspected cases of the deadly infection in real time.’ https://www.scmp.com/print/tech/article/3049503/baidu-map-app-shows-you-where-coronavirus-patients-are-located

  32. ‘2019 Novel Coronavirus – open letter of reassurance
    We are now able to confirm through the Government’s Chief Medical Officer that a case of coronavirus has been identified in Brighton & Hove.

    The news is unsettling and I understand many will be feeling worried. It’s important that we remain level headed about the virus and that you know the amount of work being done to keep everyone safe.

    Over the last 24 hours, while we have been waiting for the official announcement, we’ve been working flat out with Public Health England and partners to contain the situation, using robust infection control measures to prevent any possible further spread of the virus.

    Public Health England are leading on control measures and they will be contacting people who may be affected using their established systems for similar situations.

    We’re monitoring the situation round the clock and following all the advice from Public Health England. You can read this information for yourself on the Public Health England website http://www.gov.uk/coronavirus. As the situation develops, we’ll keep you informed about what it means for Brighton & Hove.

    I’ve spoken to people from Asian communities about concerns around the origin of the virus being in China and how this could impact negatively on their community and businesses. I want to reassure our international communities that you’re a welcome and valued part of our city’s rich fabric. Brighton & Hove has long prided itself on being a fair and inclusive place to live, work and visit, for people across Britain and beyond.

    We will never accept discrimination in any form against one community or another.

    I know you will want to look after your own health and wellbeing, and the health of people you care about. That’s what I want as well.

    We’re asking everyone to take simple, common-sense steps to prevent the spread of illnesses. Washing your hands regularly with soap and water and using tissues can help reduce the spread of infection.

    In Brighton & Hove we have dedicated health professionals in the council and the NHS working to safeguard our city. I want to thank all these teams who are ensuring that our city remains open for people across the world to live, work, study and visit, and offer my best wishes to the affected family.

    Cllr Nancy Platts
    Leader of Brighton & Hove City Council ‘ https://new.brighton-hove.gov.uk/news/2020/2019-novel-coronavirus-open-letter-reassurance

  33. ‘Globally, the virus has now infected more than 320 people in another 27 countries and territories, and killed a Chinese man in the Philippines and a 39-year-old male in Hong Kong. New cases were confirmed in Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan on Saturday.
    To stop the virus from spreading further, Beijing has taken the unprecedented step of trying to quarantine entire cities in Hubei. About 60 million people are under various travel restrictions, as roads are blocked, train stations closed and flights canceled.
    The Chinese government has issued new regulations to severely punish people who disrupt the epidemic control work. Those who violate the rules will be subject to speedy arrests and sentences, and even the death penalty.’ https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/08/asia/coronavirus-deaths-china-intl-hnk/index.html

  34. Eerste Amerikaanse burger die overlijdt aan het Coronavirus, in Wuhan city: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-citizen-diagnosed-with-coronavirus-dies-in-wuhan_3231530.html

    64 Besmetten reeds op cruiseschip in quarantaine voor de kust van Japan: https://jen.jiji.com/jc/eng?g=eco&k=2020020800358

    In de VAA twee nieuwe besmetten, totaal nu 7: https://gulfnews.com/uae/chinese-filipino-diagnosed-with-coronavirus-in-uae-bringing-total-cases-to-7-1.1581142731007

    Familie van overleden dokter die het nieuws van het Coronavirus als eerste uitbracht ontvangt $117.000 tegenwaarde in yuan: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2020/02/family-of-late-coronavirus-whistleblower-li-wenliang-awarded-117000/

  35. ‘Five British family members have been diagnosed with coronavirus – including the first child UK child to catch the potentially deadly bug.’ https://www.lincolnshirelive.co.uk/news/local-news/five-british-family-members-diagnosed-3825183


    ‘China’s National Health Commission has given the virus a temporary official name – novel coronavirus pneumonia, or NCP.’

    Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/world/10865504-coronavirus-to-be-known-as-ncp-for-now-as-china-reports-86-new-deaths-media.html

  36. Zes nieuwe besmettingen op cruiseschip: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/wuhan-virus-coronavirus-japan-cruise-ship-12413680

    Een expert zegt dat het absoluut te laat is om verdere verspreiding te voorkomen. Wij zien toch het aantal overlijdens en besmettingen licht afnemen in snelheid; met dit voorbehoud: indien de officiële cijfers correct zijn… https://nypost.com/2020/02/09/definitely-too-late-to-stop-spread-of-coronavirus-expert-says/






  37. Verspreiding virus slechts topje van ijsberg? https://www.france24.com/en/20200210-who-warns-overseas-virus-spread-may-be-tip-of-the-iceberg

    Een dokter aan de frontlinie; is het overlijdenspercentage eigenlijk 5 procent ipv 2?https://www.zerohedge.com/health/death-rate-5-harrowing-admission-wuhan-doctor

    ‘Coronavirus Cases:
    of which 6,494
    in serious/critical condition
    3,324’ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

  38. De cijfers van het RIVM kloppen niet.
    Want familie leden van besmetten mensen worden niet meer getest dus ook niet mee geteld in de officiële cijfers van RIVM.
    Het aantal besmettingen licht dus veel hoger dan het RIVM ons doet geloven.

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